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IJ Global Awards Project Winner 2023

Posted 17/06/2024

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IJ Global Awards Project Winner 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we were the advisor on eight 2023 Deals of the Year in EMEA, North America and Latin America.

Cape Verde Airports Concession- African Transport Deal of the Year

JFK NTO Refinancing- North American Refinancing Deal of the Year, Airports

Claude Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plate Upgrade- North American Water Deal of the Year

Lima Airport- Refinancing Latin American Transport Deal of the Year

Puerto Rico Toll Road Monetisation- North American Transport Deal of the Year, Roads

Transversal del Sisga- Latin American Transport Deal of the Year, Roads

Abu Dhabi Street Lighting PPP Phase 2- PPP Deal of the Year, street lighting, Mena