The I-595, also known as the Port Everglades Expressway, is the lifeline of Southern Florida. It provides the essential east-west link for the shipment of freight, goods, and movement of people to their places of work, shops and entertainment venues.
More than 180,000 vehicles use the I-595 every day – a number projected to swell to 300,000 by 2034. This programme of improvements seeks to address the issue of overcrowding on this major highway.
Improvement works include the construction of three reversible express toll lanes, which will be operated as managed lanes with variable tolls.
Construction cost is in the region of $1 billion.
Infrata's Role
We were commissioned by a consortium to provide LTA services up to bid submission and financial close. After financial close, the Infrata team was retained to provide operation and construction monitoring services on this DBFOM project. Due Diligence was also provided for the lenders on the refinancing of the project.
Services Offered For Investors
Technical Advisory
Our reputation as a globally trusted technical advisor is built on over a decade of successfully providing independent due diligence to lenders and investors on major infrastructure projects across multiple asset classes around the world.
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Infrata provides technical, commercial and environmental support to some of the world’s most ambitious highway investment projects.
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