Our Approach
Infrata provides technical, commercial and environmental support to some of the world’s most ambitious highway investment projects.
We know design, construction, maintenance and operations. And context is important.
A full circle strategy
Infrata’s advisory team provides support throughout the entire lifecycle of an investment in highways, from bid preparation and due diligence to divestment.
To get things started, our transaction support services will see you through the acquisition process, where we have experience with both brownfield and greenfield projects.
We’ll then assist in preparing strategies for development and growth, fulfilling the potential of your highway investment.
The value of this full circle approach? Our team is able to understand each project as a whole. We know design, construction, maintenance and operations. And context is important.
Our highways team specialises in spotting obstacles early on, making it easier to mitigate their impact on your project.
Overseeing operations
The Infrata team still has plenty to offer once a project is up and running. We provide full LTA construction and operations monitoring for highways.
Risk identification is integral to these ongoing services. Our highways team specialises in spotting obstacles early on, making it easier to mitigate their impact on your project.
For an insight into our experience with ongoing highway projects, see our work on America’s I-595 Corridor: one of the country’s largest road improvement schemes to date. We’ve served as the Lenders’ Technical Advisor from the bid stage, and are currently in operations monitoring.
You're in safe hands
Our experience includes advising transactions on some of the world's largest infrastructure projects, such as the $2.1bn Transform 66, $1.75bn New Champlain Bridge Corridor and the $1.3bn A1/A6 projects, to name a few.

The design, construction, financing and maintenance of a 21km stretch of widened carriageway between Diement and Almere Havendreef, in the...
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The improvement works in the I-66 Corridor are designed to improve traffic flow in a heavily congested section of highway. Traffic volumes in...
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A 34-year concession to design, build, operate and maintain the new Samuel De Champlain Bridge in Quebec, Canada. The ambitious project – backed by...
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What services do we offer for investors in the Roads sector?
Technical Advisory
Our reputation as a globally trusted technical advisor is built on over a decade of successfully providing independent due diligence to lenders and investors on major infrastructure projects across multiple asset classes around the world.
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Demand and Traffic Advisory
We believe that accurate data and its analysis are crucial to making a shrewd investment in infrastructure. Market analysis and sector insight help us evaluate revenue potential with our clients.
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Our journey starts with a simple consultation. Arrange a meeting with our team to discuss your options for investing in roads infrastructure.