The single most significant highway investment in the province, this project covers the Canadian approach to the Detroit River International Crossing. The focus of the project is the connection between the Highway 401 and the upcoming bridge.
It is a 30-year concession, including a design, build, finance and maintenance agreement. Included in the concession is an 11km six-lane highway, featuring 11 tunnels and a four-lane service road.
Infrata's Role
Our team has provided technical and traffic advisory services to this ambitious project on the Windsor Essex Parkway.
Services Offered For Investors
Technical Advisory
Our reputation as a globally trusted technical advisor is built on over a decade of successfully providing independent due diligence to lenders and investors on major infrastructure projects across multiple asset classes around the world.
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Demand and Traffic Advisory
We believe that accurate data and its analysis are crucial to making a shrewd investment in infrastructure. Market analysis and sector insight help us evaluate revenue potential with our clients.
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Infrata provides technical, commercial and environmental support to some of the world’s most ambitious highway investment projects.
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