The Project Accesos Norte 2 (17,96 km) includes upgrade works and construction of additional lanes along the Autopista Norte, Carrera Séptima, and Variante Sopó, with the ultimate objective of developing a road that guarantees optimal connectivity between Bogotá and the municipalities located to the north. The project works include, the construction of a new second-lane extensions in Carrera Séptima and extension to 5 lanes on Autopista Norte highway.
Infrata's Role
We were involved in Sponsor work – Technical (O&M)
Services Offered For Investors
Demand and Traffic Advisory
We believe that accurate data and its analysis are crucial to making a shrewd investment in infrastructure. Market analysis and sector insight help us evaluate revenue potential with our clients.
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Infrata provides technical, commercial and environmental support to some of the world’s most ambitious highway investment projects.
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