The tram entails the DBFOM of a new light railway lane of 39.6 km of length, running from Bogotá up to Fatatativá in the northwest area of Colombia. Through the reconstruction and widening of an existing railway corridor, construction of new bridges and the provision of rolling stock and systems. The Railway Regional Company (EFR) plans to develop this backbone for passenger transport from and to Bogotá. Once commercial operation is achieved, the fully electric rolling stock will be able to transport up to 115,000 passengers per day in a 50 minutes journey between both ends of the Project’s alignment.
Infrata's Role
We acted as Technical Advisor on behalf of the prospective Lenders on the Regio Tram de Occidente Project
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Technical Advisory
Our reputation as a globally trusted technical advisor is built on over a decade of successfully providing independent due diligence to lenders and investors on major infrastructure projects across multiple asset classes around the world.
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