The Hurontario LRT is a EUR 5.2 billion 18 km urban light rail system under construction within Greater Toronto Area. The line will feature 19 stops, travel two urban growth centers and connect to major transit systems, operating within a dedicated lane to ensure a reliable service along one of the region’s busiest streets.
Infrata's Role
We were engaged by the construction consortium for specialist advice on its commercial proposals. This involved an independent cost review of the Construction Capex, Opex and Rehabilitation Costs. The objective of the review was to identify any potential shortfalls and surpluses within key areas of expenditure, as well as provide scrutiny on the cost build-up and indirect cost components to ensure a proper risk consideration and price competitivity.
Services Offered For Investors
Technical Advisory
Our reputation as a globally trusted technical advisor is built on over a decade of successfully providing independent due diligence to lenders and investors on major infrastructure projects across multiple asset classes around the world.
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Investment strategies that run right on time.
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